Posted by: THEChesterDEAN | November 2, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

For unknown reasons one not particular day, I felt the need to watch The Amazing Spider-Man. I’m not really into Spidy, I never really liked Tobey Maguire‘s trilogy at all, but I felt like I needed to watch this one. I LOVED IT. Andrew Garfield was perfect, he was skinny and nerdy but not pathetic, which it was something Tobey always seemed to be, a pathetic loser with superpowers.

Also, I loved the cast. Emma Stone is one of my favorite actresses of this time, plus, there was Martin Sheen and Sally Field as uncle Ben and aunt May, loved them. Denis Leary, Rhys Ifans, loved them too. Seriously, I couldn’t find anything wrong about this movie. But like I said, I’m not really a Spidy fan, so, the little things I knew of this superhero was in the movie, but I can’t tell if it was true to the comics or not. But I don’t care, I recommend it anyway.

Something I really liked about this movie, is that it took time for Peter to get used to his powers, he had to practice. Also, after a fight, if he was beaten up, he got scars and bruises. It was more realistic. I don’t really remember the old movies, but I can’t remember a single part where I saw Tobey bruised or really hurt after someone smashed him against a building.

For the first time in my life I’m excited about upcoming Spider-man movies.

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